Wednesday, 27 November 2013

TV Drama - what you will be assessed on

Explanation/analysis/argument - 20 marks
  • understanding of the task
  • knowledge and understanding of the way that technical aspects are used to construct the extract's representations
  • relevant to the question
Use of examples - 20 marks
  • frequent and appropriate textual analysis from the extract
  • a full range of examples from each technical area e.g. camera shots, angles, movement, composition; editing; sound; mise en scene
  • examples which are relevant to the question
Use of terminology - 10 marks
  • use of terminology is relevant and accurate
And finally...sentences and paragraphs are well structured, with few spelling/ punctuation/ grammar errors

Micro aspects essay

As soon as all presentations are completed I expect you to write up your presentation into an essay. Answer the following question:
How does your chosen clip hook the audience?
You must analyse the following whilst making reference to the question throughout:
  • mise en scene
  • camera work
  • editing
  • sound
  • narrative theories (relevant)
  • narrative conventions
Intro - introduce clip - context, background, genre, audience etc and refer to question - how does your clip hook the audience? Through drama, tension, realism, suspense etc

Main body
  • apply the narrative theories/conventions - link to question
  • split the clip into roughly 4 parts and apply each micro aspect where relevant - link to question
Conclusion - summarise effectiveness of clip in relation to audience

You will be marked out of 50 on the 3 areas which will be assessed in your exam:
Explanation/Analysis/Argument - 20 marks
Examples - 20 marks
Terminology - 10 marks

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Micro Aspects Analysis Task

Working in pairs or small groups you are going to present to the rest of the class an analysis of a short clip. You must analyse the following, where relevant to your clip:

  • Narrative functions
  • Narrative conventions
  • Narrative theorists
  • Mise en scene
  • Sound
  • Editing
  • Camera work
Deadline = Thursday 21st November

Micro Test - questions and answers

Here are the answers to the first test:

Micro Aspects Test Answers

Friday, 1 November 2013

Test on Thursday 7th November

Don't forget to revise all of the micro aspects we have studied for a test next Thursday 7th November.
Micro aspects will be:
  • Camera work
  • Editing
  • Sound
  • Mise en scene